Indavers planning application for 240,000 tonne incinerator in Ringaskiddy is now available for viewing at Cork County Council offices.
The application was submitted to An Bord Pleanala on 13 Jan 2016. The Case No is PA0045. See for details.
Copies of the application are also available on request from Indaver by phone or email. CHASE is currently reviewing application.
Submissions or objections are open to all. Cost is 50Euro per application, gropus can submit one application for this fee.
CHASE is facilitating a group submission which is open to all to join and can be completed online. This is in addition to the formal CHASE submission and is designed to make objecting accessible to the whole community.
If you or your organisation wishes to object separately, here is how:
- Write out your grounds for objecting
- Make sure to quote Case no: PA0045
- Include name and address of individual or organisation
- Send it to 64 Marlborough St, Dublin 1, Ireland
- Include a cheque or PO for 50Euro to cover cost of objecting.
Deadline for submissions is 9 March 2016.