Anyone can use PayPal. If you have a PayPal account you can donate using your bank account or credit card. If you do not have a PayPal account, you … [Read more...]
How do I know I can trust this website?
Paypal is used to ensure that donations are made and received securely. None of your bank or credit card details are visible to CHASE. If you have … [Read more...]
How are funds raised used?
Funds raised over the past 11 years have been used to run the CHASE campaign in the following areas - Bringing in experts from overseas, many who … [Read more...]
How is CHASE funded?
CHASE is funded entirely by community donations, raised through fundraising events, little events like coffee mornings, bigger events like car boot … [Read more...]
What is CHASE?
CHASE is the alliance of community groups located around Cork Harbour, fighting against Indaver Irelands proposal to build 100,000 tonne hazardous … [Read more...]