For the last 20 years CHASE has shown that the Ringaskiddy site is not a suitable location for a 240,000 tonne commercial waste incinerator. This has … [Read more...]
Indaver to push on with EPA licence application though High Court challenge outcome is not yet delivered
Indaver has advised CHASE by letter of plans to apply to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for an industrial emissions licence for their … [Read more...]
End the charade of safety – 11 hospitalised in Poolbeg incinerator accident
An accident has occurred at the Covanta operated Poolbeg incinerator last night (Wed 7 June) which resulted in the hospitalisation of 11 construction … [Read more...]
Ringaskiddy incinerator live plume plot launched
CHASE has launched a plume plotter for the proposed 240,000 tonne incinerator at Ringaskiddy Co Cork. Developed by it provides a real … [Read more...]
Huge Explosion rocks Indaver flagship Belgian plant
60 firefighters rushed to control an explosion at Indaver's flagship Antwerp facility today (26 Feb 2016) in what was described by local fire services … [Read more...]
Indaver tops EPA’s 2014 emissions offenders list
The latest EPA emissions report EPA Licensed Sites 2014 - Report on Air Emissions published in 2015 puts Indaver's Meath Incinerator at the top of the … [Read more...]
EEA Report:: City dwellers exposed to air pollutants at unsafe levels
30 Nov 2015. The EEA report 'Air quality in Europe — 2015 report' examines the European population’s exposure to air pollutants and provides a … [Read more...]