Author, speaker and Zero Waste superhero Bea Johnson and her family produce just one mason jar of trash a year. Bea, now a global Zero Waste advocate, explains that since adopting the Zero Waste lifestyle in 2008, her life and that of her family have changed for the better. She says “We not only feel happier, but we also lead more meaningful lives based on experiences instead of stuff.” Bea is a native of France, currently living in Mill Valley, California, and she’s coming to Cork on 27 September!
Bea has delivered presentations to organisations such as Google, TedX, the European Parliament and is regularly featured by media such as BBC, NBC, The New York Times, People Magazine, CNN. This is Bea’s second speaking engagement in Ireland this year. Her Trinity College presentation has hugely accelerated the range of package free options available to people, according to the organisers of the March talk. Read more about Bea Johnson:
A Zero Waste popup market will be open to the public (no ticket needed) from 6pm. It will close as doors open, and will re-open after the talk exclusively for ticket holders. A selection of package free home care, personal care and food items will be on sale, so bring your containers!
TICKETS ON SALE AT THE DOOR. Public event – all welcome.
€15.00 Single Tickets
All profits will be donated to CHASE