We began day eight by being given some aerial photographs showing alternative access routes to Haulbowline Island - instead of continuing along the … [Read more...]
Day seven – Wednesday 27th
(This is quite long I'm afraid. Comments always welcome.) Our seventh day at the hearing began with Professor Anthony Staines, or as Joe Noonan … [Read more...]
Day six – Tuesday 26th, evening sitting
The Tuesday evening sitting of the hearing was what I really wanted to speak about. It was reserved specially for those who couldn't attend during the … [Read more...]
Day six – Tuesday 26th
Day six began with Professor Vyvyan Howard, expert on epidemiology, telling us about nanoparticles coming from incinerators. He said they’re not … [Read more...]
Day five – Monday 25th
I began the fifth day by sleeping through my alarm for an hour. I forgot my coat in the rush to leave the house - I didn't want to lose my seat to TDs … [Read more...]
Day four – Friday 22nd
It was a very soft day outside today, on day four; you got the impression that the rain was there but you couldn't see it. I was skirting around the … [Read more...]
Day three – Thursday 21st
EDIT 07/16: – Apologies if you read this in April and only half of the text appeared; I discovered the problem just recently and the rest of the text … [Read more...]
Day two – Wednesday 20th
The second day of ABP's oral hearing for the proposed Rigaskiddy incinerator began today at 10am. The entirety of the day was dedicated to Indaver so … [Read more...]
Day one – Tuesday 19th
The day began with a protest march in the car park of the Carrigaline Court Hotel. A good 200+ people attended with home made placards and printed … [Read more...]